Accelerometer for missile guiding systems / 加速度導彈導向系統






Guided ammunition / 制導彈藥
Accelerometer for missile guiding systems / 加速度導彈導向系統
Dynamic GPS tracking systems / 動態GPS跟踪系統
Dynamic platform stabilization / 動態平台穩定
Ground motion detection / 地面運動檢測
AHRS MEMS accelerometers / (AHRS)加姿態航向參考系統,MEMS加速度計
Inertial Navigation Systems / 慣性導航系統
Helicopter Attitude, Heading and Reference System (AHRS) / 直升機姿態,航向參考系統(AHRS)
Active Suspension Systems / 主動懸掛系統
Active Tilting Systems / 主動傾斜系統
Bogie Monitoring Systems / 轉向架監測系統
Train Positioning Systems / 列車定位系統
Wind Turbines / 風力發電機
Drilling sensor / 鑽孔傳感器
Static Antenna Stabilization / 靜態天線穩定
Automotive testing accelerometer / 汽車加速度檢測
Machine Health Monitoring (MHM) / 機器健康監測
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) / 結構健康監測
Inclination monitoring / 傾斜角監控
Seismic Detection / 地震探測

Accelerometer for missile guiding systems / 加速度導彈導向系統

The latest defensive technologies rely heavily on the use of long-range artillery. As such, it’s mandatory that the use of these systems doesn’t present a high risk of civilian casualties. In order to combat this risk, modern artillery systems, smart munitions and small missiles require precision, accuracy and the ability to operate independent of GPS control. These types of projectiles have to integrate independent and reliable self-destruct mechanisms using sensors such as accelerometers. Not only do the accelerometers used in these systems have to perform after the initial shock, but they also have to perform after impact, allowing the weapon to self-destruct or render itself inert as to prevent civilian casualties if the target hasn’t been eliminated.

missiles flight control


Shock resistance

The deployment of guided munitions generates high levels of shock, which is defined as an extreme acceleration characterized by amplitude (usually measured in g), time (usually measured in m/s) and profile (usually half a sine). As such, gun-hard accelerometers for inertial applications have to survive increased levels of shock while still providing stability and accuracy after the initial shock.


The MEMS revolution

MEMS accelerometers are robust and cost-effective, presenting an inherent tolerance to high shock values. Sensors have been centrifuged up to 40.000 g without any degradation. Moreover, the materials used for making the accelerometer have to isolate and reduce vibrations, preventing balloting shock during gun-hard shock as well as any level of vibration from exerting potentially harmful resonances within the structure of the sensor.


Colibrys MEMS accelerometers for Missile Guidance Systems

Colibrys has successfully developed a unique solution for applications requiring inertial-grade specifications combined with gun-hard survivability and exceptional post-shock stability. The Colibrys HS8000 family of MEMS accelerometers offers long-term stability in terms of bias and scale factor, very high shock survivability and an integrated temperature sensor. It is available in ranges +/-30 g and up to +/- 100g and serves as a cost-effective solution for missile guidance systems.

The product has been extensively tested both as a standalone accelerometer and in IMU formation, with post-test results confirming the sensor’s mechanical ruggedness and high sensitivity under harsh conditions typical to missile deployment.


上次更新日期: 2022年08月03日。