Helicopter Attitude, Heading and Reference System (AHRS) / 直升機姿態,航向參考系統(AHRS)






Guided ammunition / 制導彈藥
Accelerometer for missile guiding systems / 加速度導彈導向系統
Dynamic GPS tracking systems / 動態GPS跟踪系統
Dynamic platform stabilization / 動態平台穩定
Ground motion detection / 地面運動檢測
AHRS MEMS accelerometers / (AHRS)加姿態航向參考系統,MEMS加速度計
Inertial Navigation Systems / 慣性導航系統
Helicopter Attitude, Heading and Reference System (AHRS) / 直升機姿態,航向參考系統(AHRS)
Active Suspension Systems / 主動懸掛系統
Active Tilting Systems / 主動傾斜系統
Bogie Monitoring Systems / 轉向架監測系統
Train Positioning Systems / 列車定位系統
Wind Turbines / 風力發電機
Drilling sensor / 鑽孔傳感器
Static Antenna Stabilization / 靜態天線穩定
Automotive testing accelerometer / 汽車加速度檢測
Machine Health Monitoring (MHM) / 機器健康監測
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) / 結構健康監測
Inclination monitoring / 傾斜角監控
Seismic Detection / 地震探測

Helicopter Attitude, Heading and Reference System (AHRS) / 直升機姿態,航向參考系統(AHRS)

Attitude, Heading and Reference Systems, AHRS in short, are 3-axis sensor systems which provide real-time 3D data concerning the attitude and positioning of helicopter by calculating pitch, roll and heading.
AHRS are used in navigation to assess the orientation and direction of a chopper, in the control and stabilization of antennas mounted on helicopter platforms and in measurement and correction applications such as the collection of accurate data via imaging systems.

In many cases, AHRS sensors experience gyro bias drifts, which can lead to a misreading of the aircraft’s true trajectory. In order to counter that, AHRS require a filter structure and independent measurements from accelerometers so that they might provide the initial attitude reference and on-flight corrections required to correct the bias drifts.

The MEMS sensors

Designed to replace traditional gyro-based instruments, MEMS-based AHRS provide superior reliability and accuracy due to having 3-axis magnetic, 3-axis acceleration and 3-axis gyroscopic sensors. In order for the AHRS to work properly, all these sensors combine with a built-in processor to create an inertial sensor system able to measure the attitude of objects in 3D space.

MEMS accelerometers provide exceptional levels of performance in terms of long-term stability, temperature stability and accuracy and are able to function successfully under harsh conditions.

Colibrys MEMS accelerometer

Our MS9000 sensor is available in various range from ±2g to ±200g and is part of the exclusive group of MEMS used in EASA, FAA and DAL A certified systems. The MS9000 is a single-axis analog accelerometer based on bulk micro-machined silicon elements.

It is specifically designed for high bias stability over temperature in harsh environments. The MS9000 embeds a low-power ASIC (0.5 mA) and a temperature sensor. It comes fully calibrated from the get-go in a robust, hermetically-sealed LCC20 ceramic package, guaranteeing long-term stability and durability.


上次更新日期: 2022年08月03日。